Desire to have a child
Let us know if you are beginning to feel the desire to start a family or have another child. We will inform you whether it may be necessary to carry out any outstanding vaccinations in advance and advise you on the intake of folic acid. Cycle perception, fertile window, ovulation tests, conception optimum – we answer all your questions about getting pregnant!
To document your own cycle, we recommend, for example, the cycle app my NFP (Natural Family Planning). Here you can document your observations (cervical mucus, temperature, etc.) clearly and comprehensively. We will be happy to evaluate the documentation at your next visit.
Of course, we are also happy to advise you if it is taking a little longer and you are already worried because it is not working out to get pregnant. We work closely with endometriosis specialists, endocrinologists and fertility centres.
If the perfect time for a baby hasn’t come just yet, you are still thinking about your life plans: We offer to check your fertility (Fertility Check). We will also be happy to discuss the topic of social freezing with you.
Wanting to have a child in times of Covid-19: Due to the increased risk of a severe course of the disease during pregnancy, we strongly advise you to complete the vaccinations against Covid before becoming pregnant – see the STIKO recommendation of 10.9.2021: STIKO Recommendation Pregnant Women/Breastfeeding Women/Wanting Children.
Are you sceptical about fertility after corona vaccination? This topic is discussed in detail here:
“Many eggs, fit sperm” – Fertile despite vaccination – Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12.10.2021